I attend a great deal of networking events. Often you go around the room with introductions. What starts out as succinct introductions can turn into a life story. Sometimes if you attend multiple events, your introduction might turn into a robotic statement.
One group I attend often asks for your introduction and then answer a fun question so that attendees get to know the personal side of you better. It seems that when the speaker has completed talking about their income generating life and starts into the fun side their enthusiasm is reflected in their body language and vocal cues. How can you represent that same enthusiasm with your introduction about your job?
Conquering the right way to deliver your elevator pitch can be a challenge. Do you have enough time to deliver meaning in 30 seconds? One group limited the introduction to name, company and 3 words that describe what you do. This is great to make you think about the best 3 words that describe your business. If they are keywords that is even better. Use them everywhere in your marketing to promote yourself on your website or social media.
Sometimes though, we do need to have that 30 second elevator pitch in our pocket. Use the tips from this article How To Perfect Your Elevator Pitch. To stay on point – but avoid the robotics!
Which method do you prefer when giving your introductions?