Your brain may be, but is your Heart into Social Media?put your heart into social media

With Valentines Day fast approaching, I thought I would ask the question. So many of us understand the value of social media, but as we run our businesses, we may forget the importance of it.

So often, myself included, will put off writing that blog post, scheduling some posts, or sharing the image of an event where I am.

In our heads we know the facts and figures about using social media. We may know which platforms our customers use the most. We may focus on one platform over the other. But, are you doing it because you were told you should, or have you felt the benefit with your heart? Every once in awhile, I will run into someone that says, I read your post on…It makes me feel like everything that I have been doing is paying off. It makes my heart go pitter-pat.

How can you put your brain and your heart into social media?

Try the old stand-by habit building trick of posting something for 21 days. Make the effort to actually go to one of the platforms that you use for your business, find some content or create content to share. Do that for 21 days. Remember to ask questions and try to engage your audience. Do you need to boost a post on Facebook to gain some reaction? Maybe! Try it for a day or three to see if you earn better engagement.

You don’t need to spend hours each day, but try spending 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, and then 10 minutes in the early evening. Those tend to be the times when most people are taking a look at their social channels.

Remember, it doesn’t take much to build a habit. Engage your brain into social media and I bet your heart will follow!

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