How do you approach LinkedIn Recommendations?

Recommendations are one of the areas where you can “Pay it forward” by writing one for people you know well on LinkedIn.  Previously we have discussed the benefits of Endorsements, but let’s chat a bit about the how-to of writing or requesting a LinkedIn recommendation.

Asking for LinkedIn Recommendations

To request a recommendation – go to:
Profile > Edit profile
Scroll to where your recommendations block is
Click the pencil
Find the Ask to be recommended
Remember that you can only request LinkedIn recommendations from 1st degree connections.
LinkedIn ask for recommendation

Writing LinkedIn Recommendations

If you want to write LinkedIn recommendations for your 1st degree connections:
Find their profile
Hover over the “Send a Message”
Select the Recommend
Write the recommendation
Give LinkedIn recommendations
Sometimes the best way to get LinkedIn recommendations is to give one, but if the person for whom you write a recommendation, writes one for you right away, wait until you have accepted a recommendation from someone else in between before you accept the reciprocal recommendation. Otherwise it looks like recommendation love. <3 <3

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  1. Pingback: Ask for recommendations - Time2MrktTime2Mrkt

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