When you meet someone new at a networking event, do you immediately go back to your office and invite them to connect on LinkedIn? Do you use the generic invitation? If you do and that person sees your invitation a month from now because they aren’t an active user, how will they remember who you…
LinkedIn Training & Services
LinkedIn training can help you do more than just collect connections! LinkedIn is one of the “Big Three” social media tools. LinkedIn is your professional database and resume in social media. So many options are available within this powerful tool, that few people can keep up with the changes and possibilities. When was the last…
LinkedIn for Non-Profits
In the past few months, I have been providing presentations on LinkedIn to Not-for-Profits. Personally, I think LinkedIn is one of the best professional social networking tools and if you aren’t using it to build your professional network, you could very well be left behind. I wanted to post two links to my presentations so…
Don’t get thrown in LinkedIn Jail
When you send an invitation to a new connection in LinkedIn, do you use the generic invitation? Please don’t! OK, raise your left hand and place your right hand on your heart. Read the following out load: I promise to never ever, ever, ever, use the generic invitation to connect from LinkedIn. What I teach…
LinkedIn adds a “Classmates” feature
LinkedIn added a new feature to help you find the classmates from your college or university. I couldn’t find the feature in LinkedIn. I had to click on this link www.linkedin.com/classmates from the LinkedIn blog article I read. (http://blog.linkedin.com/2011/10/19/linkedin-classmates/) I logged out and logged back in and still cannot find where LinkedIn has updated the…