Do you Blog Regularly? I am not the best example of someone that does blog regularly. I just realized the last blog I wrote was almost a year ago. I am like the shoemaker and his kids shoes. Or the parent who says do as I say, not as I do. The best thing about…
Your Best Generic Resume
How do you make a Generic Resume? I know that everyone tells you to customize a resume based on the skills listed in a job posting. That is well and good. But, I propose that a generic resume is needed as well. You need to have a resume ready to go at the drop of…
Marketing Your Skills
How are you marketing your skills? Marketing your Skills is simple as long as you know what your skills are. For those of you that know me, you know that LinkedIn is my favorite social media platform. You may have even heard me speak about the importance of marketing yourself when you are in job…
9 Tips to Network Virtually
2020 is the Year everyone learned to Network Virtually Networking in person is hard enough, but knowing how to network virtually can be extremely difficult. I would liken it to cold calling. There aren’t too many people around that think cold calling is the best thing since sliced bread. I am not a fan. But,…
Starting a Business
Have you considered starting a business? With the way the world is going these days, employment is flexible. You may consider starting a business. Nine years ago now I was happily working. I was working as the Marketing Department for a workforce development agency that put people back to work after lay-offs. I got laid…