It can be incredibly tough to come up with content on a regular basis for your social media platforms. I read this article on How to create great content in 15 minutes and thought I would share a few thoughts from it.

The whole concept revolves around sharing.  Here are some of my ideas:


You might receive newsletters from industry leaders. Do any of the articles seem worthy to share with your followers?  For example, you are a kitchen and bath designer who just read an article about the growth of cabinet sales growing over the next three years.  Might that be an article to share with your network? YES!  It may not link to your site, but it shows that you are staying current with industry news.

Share posts from people that you follow with-in your network.  Not only does this give you an update for your stream, but it shows that you find other’s posts noteworthy.  The possibility of creating a sort of “you share mine, I’ll share yours” philosophy may develop.

An article you read might strike a chord in you enough to cause you to write a blog post, just like I am doing right now.  Linking to the article in your post might encourage someone from that organization to take notice of you and create a chain of events that could build your business or at least awareness of your business.

What are some other sources you might find content ideas?  Share please!

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