B2B vs B2C – Enews marketingB2BvsB2Cenews

Last in our series of articles on social marketing for B2B vs. B2C is Enews.

People who purchase smart phones have a variety of reasons why they buy a smartphone but the important one for this article is that 78% of people use it to check email. 1 By 2017, the percent of smartphone users is expected to reach 68 percent. 2 More email is read Mobile than on a desktop email client. Stats say 47% of email is now opened on a mobile device Litmus –”Email Analytics” (April 2014) So what do all of these things tell you?

For a long time, email newsletters had gone out of vogue. Nobody was reading them because they were inundated with emails of all types.  With the onset of Facebook, G+ and Twitter, people had other ways to communicate. Now that means that emails might have a “meatier” purpose.

While some might argue that emails aren’t social media, you can share links to your e-news on social media.  It is a great way to share a number of items from a variety of areas in one platform, sort of like a “Best of” compilation. AND, as the statistics show, your subscribers are more likely to read them now from their mobile device. That means that you must ensure that they are reactive to any email platform.


Share offers, news, product information, links to blog articles, places you are exhibiting or speaking, and workshops you are offering. This is also a great way to promote any partnership efforts – for example, one of your clients is offering a product or service that might be valuable to your customers. My suggestion is at least once a month or someone may forget that they subscribed and overlook your newsletter.


Share offers, upcoming new features, community news, helpful tips related to your industry, how-tos, links to your blog, coupons, pictures of happy customers, and more.  One warning to B2C is regulate the number of times you send an email to avoid overloading your subscribers in-box. You don’t want to cause someone to unsubscribe because you are oversharing.


For both B2B and B2C, it is important to time your enews to avoid being overlooked. One article I read said Sunday afternoon. 3 Others will tell you more emails are sent during the week than on weekends, with Tuesday and Thursday being the highest volume days. Changing which day you send your emails may improve your open and click rates. 4 No matter what, do some testing on times and then check your statistics to find out when your subscribers open your emails the most.


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  1. Pingback: B2B vs B2C - Video | Time2MrktTime2Mrkt

  2. Pingback: B2B vs B2C - Facebook | Time2MrktTime2Mrkt

  3. Pingback: B2B vs B2C - Which platform is best for your business? | Time2MrktTime2Mrkt

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