Planning and Implementing Small business and solopreneurs should be taking advantage of the marketing resources available to them including social media. Sometimes, someone in your office may have started a profile, or thought about it and that is about as far as it got. Time2Mrkt, can help you with planning and implementing your social marketing…
How do you adapt to change? Do you handle it in stride? Do you accept it with good cheer and look at it as a potential for growth or as a nuisance? Being in the marketing field has given me a chance to experience change at a rapid pace. As we all know Facebook can change…
Social Media and the Job Search
Since social media is the big thing, are you using it for your job search? If not, why not? LinkedIn has in excess of 120 million users, 750 million Facebook users and 175 million Twitter users. Even if only 80% of those users are active, it is still a BIG number. Mashable recently published this…
Time2Mrkt can help your customers find YOU. Will you be where they are looking? You know you need to step up to the plate with your move into the digital world of marketing, but you just don’t quite know where to start. Relax, help is right here. Maybe, you have been dabbling with social media and it’s hit…
Time2Mrkt is all about helping you include the latest digital technologies in your overall marketing plan. Let us help you with these items and more: Planning/Coaching | Facebook | Graphic Design | LinkedIn | Twitter | WordPress | Location Sites | YouTube | Speaker Topics | Web Design | Workshops Planning and Implementing – Let us help you…