Training Opportunities and Workshops Learning happens in different ways. You may need one-on-one coaching or you may benefit from a hands-on workshop. Watch the calendar of events or our newsletter to keep up to date on the next workshop or webinar happening in your area. Following is a list of some of the workshops and…
How do you use Networking?
I’ve written about networking in the past. But it bears repeating. As much as I LOVE social media and especially LinkedIn, I realize that you cannot ignore face to face networking. Recently, I met with a gentleman that called me based on a referral from one of his connections. When I walked into my office…
Personal Policy for Social Networking
What is your personal social media policy? According to Joshua Waldman, who wrote the inspiration article for this post, said that he was a “Facebook prude and a LinkedIn w- – – -.” The article focused on following up with LinkedIn invitations, but it made me think about how you personally handle your day to day activities…
Images for your Posts
It is important to include images with your posts. People are so very visual. Like me for example, I read headlines, look at pictures and maybe read captions before I determine whether or not an article is going to hold my attention enough to read the balance of the article. Similarly, when I look at…
Pictures are worth 1000 words…What about Video?
The old saying goes a picture is worth a 1000 words. So if video is a whole bunch of pictures strung together, it must be worth BILLIONS of words. When you need to know how to do something, where do you go? YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine with over 4 million searches a day. Will you…