If the song from the Sound of Music – Favorite Things could be rewritten to my thinking social media and LinkedIn would be included as one of the items in the list. LinkedIn is one of my favorite social media tools. Whenever I see an article on LinkedIn, I take a peek. Often the titles are the…
Why do you use the Social Networks you do?
When I speak to groups or to individuals, one of my standard questions is do you have a LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile, Twitter handle and do you have a company page for each of those? Recently I read an article entitled Why Google+ Wont Succeed. The basis of the article is that people don’t like to…
Follow the Chain
How do you find out what other companies you should like or follow on social media platforms? If you are a business with a business page on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or even Pinterest, Instagram, or Flickr, there are pages where you might get your best information. The most important thing to do is to follow…
Passwords, Usernames and more Passwords
An article that I just read about LinkedIn passwords being stolen prompted this article. Today with all of the various on-line tools and platforms I am sure that you have at least a dozen if not more username and passwords. Trying to make them simple so that you can remember them can be a job…
Meet Dee Reinhardt
How can Dee Reinhardt help you Design, Build or Remodel your social media marketing? Right-brained. That is a good description of Dee Reinhardt. If it has to do with creativity, she is all about that. When social media advanced into the marketplace, Dee embraced it with a passion. Dee is a Type-A personality, energetic, gregarious,…